

Long range vehicle Identification is a means of identifying specific vehicles and/or their drivers to determine whether or not to permit access through a control point such as an entry barrier into a restricted area. Long range vehicle identification can also be used to monitor the movement of vehicles in and out of controlled areas. Vehicles can be detected as they approach the control point. In many cases the vehicles don’t need to stop at a barrier, bollard system or gate. They simply need to approach slowly to allow the barrier to open.

Nortech offers several options for the long range detection of vehicles. The ideal option will vary according to the type of applications and the available budget.

Identify which items below best describe what you would like the system to do for you so that we can help you to identify the most appropriate solution:

Provide Hands-Free Car Park Access

Where car park permits are issued to allow authorised users to enter a car park, a driver would normally have to stop and wind down their window to present the pass card to a reader at the entrance. This can be avoided by using a ‘hands-free’ automatic vehicle identification system. This can be implemented either by using a radio frequency vehicle tag that is detected by a roadside reader as the vehicle approaches the entry barrier, or by recognising the vehicle’s registration using an ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system.

For standard car parks with an entry barrier, the uPASS Reach vehicle tagging system is ideal. Self-adhesive UHF identity tags can be fitted to the windscreen or headlight of each valid vehicle. These can be detected at up to 5 metres by a reader fitted adjacent to the entry barrier. Used together with an access control system, the system can be used to allow only valid vehicles to enter the car park. The vehicle is detected as it approaches the barrier, and the barrier is opened automatically to allow it to enter.

Find out more about the uPASS Reach long range identification system

For larger car parks with multiple entry lanes or where the configuration of the entry lane requires a longer detection range, the TRANSIT microwave frequency range identification system may be a better option. It offers read ranges up to 10 metres and is designed to manage vehicle detection in multi-lane and complex lane configurations.

Find out more about the TRANSIT long range identification systems

Where a hands-free system is required but the distribution and fitting of vehicle tags isn’t appropriate. The car park entry system can use the licence plates of valid vehicles to identify them. This can be achieved using our ANPR Access products together with an access control system. Here, the vehicle licence plates are used to identify valid vehicles in the same way as access cards. The licence plate is read as the vehicle approaches the barrier, and the barrier is opened automatically to allow it to enter.

Find out more about the ANPR Access number plate identification systems

City Centre Pedestrianisation Schemes

A pedestrianisation scheme is primarily designed for the safety of pedestrians circulating within an area dedicated to pedestrian use at certain times of the day. It is therefore important that general vehicles can’t access these areas while the scheme is in force. Generally, a combination of fixed bollards and automatic rising bollards are used to prevent vehicles from gaining access to the area. However, there must be a means of allowing emergency vehicles to gain access, and it may be necessary for buses and/or delivery vehicles to circulate within the area. An intercom linked to the control centre combined with remote control of the rising bollards is usually enough to manage delivery vehicle access. However, emergency vehicles and buses need to pass in and out of the area with minimal delay.

Nortech provides several long range automatic vehicle identification systems together with access control systems that will allow authorised vehicles to be identified as they approach the rising bollards so that they can drop to let the vehicles through without the need to come to a standstill.

We work with many leading manufacturers of rising bollards and rising curbs. Please Request Information to find out what our system can do for your scheme.

Find out more about our long range vehicle identification products.

Find out more about our access control products.

Bus Lane Control

In some areas where there are large amounts of traffic circulating, it may be necessary to install dedicated bus lanes to allow buses to bypass the congestion. Putting up signs isn’t always sufficient to prevent private vehicles from taking a short cut through the bus lane. The use of rising bollards or rising curbs at either end of the bus lane, together with an Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) access solution from Nortech, can provide an automatic means of allowing buses and other authorised vehicles to use the bus lane while keeping unauthorised vehicles out.

Nortech’s Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) solutions use one of our access control system linked to a long-range vehicle identification system such as Nedap’s TRANSIT microwave frequency vehicle tagging system. The authorised vehicles are identified at up to 10 metres as they approach the rising bollard or curb so that it can open to let the vehicle through without it needing to come to a complete standstill.

We work with many leading manufacturers of rising bollards and rising curbs. Please complete a Request Information Form to find out what our system can do for your application.

Find out more about the TRANSIT long-range vehicle identification products

Find out more about our access control products

Authorised Vehicle Access (Distribution Centres and Transport Depots)

Where many goods transport vehicles are entering and leaving a depot, the individual checking of vehicles can cause delays and congestion at the gates. This slows down the delivery times and reduces the efficiency of the transport resources. The vehicle authorisation and logging can also be very labour intensive. The use of Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) to tag authorised vehicles so that they can enter and exit the depot without the need for manual checking, leaves only those vehicles that have not been authorised to be dealt with manually. This can be done remotely from a central control room using CCTV and intercoms.

The Automatic Vehicle Identification can be carried out by using either a vehicle tagging system such as one of Nedap’s TRANSIT systems or by licence plate identification carried out by a Nedap ANPR system. Combining the identification system with Nortech’s Norpass access control system provides a comprehensive vehicle entry and monitoring system.

All authorised vehicles can be detected as they approach an entry or exit barrier and, if the details on the system indicate that they can pass, the barrier automatically opens, thereby minimising delay and preventing queues.

Please complete a Request Information Form to find out what our system can do for your application.

Find out more about our long-range vehicle identifications products

Find out more about our access control products.

Traffic Signal Prioritisation

Many city centre traffic schemes require that certain bus routes keep to a strict timetable regardless of the level of congestion. Traffic signals at major road junctions usually delay all types of vehicle in the same way. At very busy junctions, buses can be subject to unpredictable delays by the traffic signals. Nortech can provide a solution where buses on key routes are tagged, so that, as they approach any major road junctions on the route while the traffic signal is red, the bus can be detected and the traffic signal priority can be changed to reduce the waiting time for the bus. Nortech’s solution uses Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) using one of Nedap’s TRANSIT long-range vehicle identification systems together with access control linked to the traffic signal control.

This type of solution requires Nortech to work with the traffic signal manufacturer.

Please complete a Request Information Form to find out how to proceed with this type of project.

Find out more about our long-range vehicle identifications products

Find out more about our access control products

Fleet Management

Nortech provides complete fleet management solutions where vehicles and/or trailers are tagged so that they can be detected as they pass through access points or check points. The vehicle tagging system uses one of our long-range vehicle identification systems. The movement of the vehicles is recorded on a PC-based access control system. More complex features such as vehicle and trailer pairing are also available. Applications such as these require the support of our technical team to integrate the system. It may also require some bespoke development depending upon your specific requirements.

Please complete a Request Information Form to find out how to proceed with this type of project.

Find out more about our long-range vehicle identification products

Find out more about our access control products