

When do you need our commissioning support?

The commissioning support service is offered to installation companies to help them to provide a satisfactory service to their customers. Nortech’s technical support team is not authorised to get involved in the installation process but does offer a comprehensive commissioning service once the equipment has been fully installed according to our guidance and recommendations.

If an installation company needs reassurance that the physical installation has been carried out correctly and would like some help fine tuning the software configuration, a site visit can be arranged so that our technical support team can check the installation and advise on the configuration settings to ensure that the installation is ready for handover to the customer. 

Preparation required prior to a commissioning visit

To fully benefit from a commissioning visit, you must ensure that all physical installation work has been completed prior to the visit and that the site visit preparation check list has been filled in and signed. Ensure that the customer has provided a PC that meets the required specifications and that the Norpass software and the necessary utility programs have been installed. Ensure that you are aware of all of the features, user groups and access time periods that the customer requires.

Any site security or safety clearance should be arranged in advance to ensure that our team can avoid unnecessary delays when they arrive. 

During the Visit

A qualified representative of the installation company must be present at all times during the visit. This person should be familiar with the installation and have clearance from the customer to access all areas where equipment has been installed.  

Requesting a Site Visit

Click here to request a commissioning visit. Once we have received your request, we will contact you to discuss the project, arrange a convenient visit date and send you the preparation check list.