Parking Space Management
There are many ways that car park spaces need to be managed. A single car park associated with a hotel, school, hospital or even an office or small manufacturing site can be made much more efficient and manageable by using Nortech’s cost-effective standalone vehicle count management system. Whereas many companies, universities, hospitals, etc. have their parking facilities distributed over several car parks or compounds around their premises, which can be confusing for motorists when they arrive and need to find a free parking space. Nortech provides a solution to ensure that both employees and visitors identify the correct car park(s) to use and to quickly locate a car park with available spaces.

Nortech’s standalone vehicle counting system is based on the NCT100 counter control module. It facilitates the monitoring of the availability of free parking bays in one or two car parks and provides information to customers as they arrive. It provides a cost-effective method of managing car park occupancy using bright, elegant parking display signs.
For multiple car parks and multi-level car parks, Nortech’s NorParc© PC-based car park count management system supported by a range of Nortech’s vehicle detection and counting products provides the ability to monitor the availability of free parking bays and provide guidance to customers as they arrive to search for available spaces.
Vehicles are counted as they arrive and leave each parking compound, as well as when they pass between adjacent compounds (where there is a direct gate/lane linking them). The information is processed by the PC-based software providing an up to the minute summary of the available spaces within each car park or compound.
This is achieved using vehicle detectors to detect and monitor the direction of vehicles as they flow through the various access points to each car park or compound. The system takes into account circulating vehicles as well as those in parking bays.
Nortech’s range of variable message signs provide a display of the current availability in each section of the car park. The multi-level signs provide a summary of spaces in each car park for drivers arriving at the entrance(s), and single level signs may be installed at individual car park entrances.
- Corporate sites with multiple parking compounds
- University campuses with distributed student parking
- Large car parks with multiple entrances and exits
- Hotel parking
- Small commercial car parks
- Schools and colleges
- Hospitals and clinics
- Cost-effective customer guidance solution for a wide range of car park sizes
- Clear, bright signs that can operate in harsh lighting conditions
- Sign artwork created to customer specification allowing them to promote their brand
- Modular structure and simple installation
- Multiple colour options for LED displays to match prevailing standards
- Visitors are guided to free spaces quickly minimising congestion and reducing pollution