
100 Mile Cycle for Orphaned Elephants

August 01, 2019

Sadly elephants become orphans due to ivory poaching, human-wildlife conflict, habitat loss and drought. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT) is an orphan-elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in Nairobi. Here infant elephants are rescued and hand reared at the centre until eventually being re-integrated into the wild herds.

Stephen’s passion for wildlife started during his time in South Africa, where he worked in access control and parking management for seven years. Ever since then he has been a wildlife conservation enthusiast, taking part every year in different charity activities and fund raisers.

After an emotional journey to East Africa, Stephen started to raise money for The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT). This year he will be taking on the gruelling Prudential 100 mile RideLondon challenge. This is the world’s greatest festival of cycling, with more than 100,000 cyclists expected to participate during the weekend of 3-4 August 2019.

This builds on to Stephen’s previous fundraising challenges which include the Berlin Velothon, a single day road race covering 120 kilometres in 2018. He climbed the Simien mountain range in Ethiopia including the highest peak Ras Dashen at no less than 4,620 metres in 2017. In addition to a similar previous climbs such as Kilimanjaro & Mount Kenya.

The DSWT incorporates all measures that complement the conservation, preservation and protection of wildlife. Stephen feels very honoured to be part of this programme and looks forward to any donations you can give for this very worthy cause.

Did you know the more money we raise goes towards milk for orphan elephants like Maktao!

Maktao is just one of 96 milk-dependent orphans currently cared for by the SWT. On average, a young Nursery Baby like Maktao drinks 2-3 tins of milk formula a day. At a cost of around £11 a tin, feeding so many mouths is incredibly costly and that’s why, with your fundraising efforts, we can ensure the tummies of little elephants like Maktao are always full!

Click HERE to donate to this very worthy cause

Please feel free to follow us on any of the following social media channels if you wish to find out more about DSWT and the work we do.



of the team, including the orphans, would like to say a huge thank you for taking on this incredible challenge